By now you might have seen some of the big changes we’ve made to ETF Research Center. The biggest improvement is a new, mobile-friendly design that works well on tablets, desktops and smart phones. We’ve also shortened the URL to etfrc.com (though www.etfresearchcenter.com will still get you there) and posting a link to a specific fund page is as easy as adding a slash plus the fund’s ticker symbol. So etfrc.com/spy will take you straight to the page for the S&P 500 SPDR.
Another big change is the addition of a free membership level, our Basic plan. These members can keep a watchlist, use our stock locator and fund overlap tools, and see all of our fund analysis except the sections with premium data.
A new, free Basic membership level, plus expanded features for premium subscribers
Subscribers to our Individual plan can view and screen funds using premium fundamental and valuation data, as before, but in addition they can also build and monitor their own all-ETF portfolio using our Portfolio Builder tool. Meanwhile Professional subscribers have expanded access to keep 20 ETF portfolios and can export custom PDF reports for presentation to clients. Complete information on the new memberships is available here.
We’ve also been working on some new features. One that’s visible to all users is the new ‘flows’ tab on every ETF page, that helps you understand where other investors are putting their money to work (and where they are fleeing!) And here are some other new features coming soon:
- Mutual Fund Replacement— Replace expensive mutual funds in your portfolio by quickly seeing which ETFs offer similar exposures based on the overlap in underlying holdings. Then see how much you could save.
- Free Trader— More and more brokers are offering commission-free ETF trading, but only for certain ETFs on their frequently changing commission-free lists. This tool will show you how much it costs to trade a given ETF at the major brokerages, and where you can do so for free.
- ESG Ratings— Environmental, Social and Governance investment criteria are increasingly important for many investors. But determining how a single company rates on any of those metrics is hard enough, let alone for an entire fund. We’re going to change that.
- Heat Map— For active traders, ETFs are an excellent way to trade news that affects entire sectors and asset classes. We show you which benchmark funds are moving the most to keep you on top of changing market conditions.
If you haven’t already, sign up for a free Basic membership today and start curating your watchlist and using the many other tools at your disposal. One thing that hasn’t changed about the new ETF Research Center: it’s all about taking a Smarter Approach to ETFs.